Our Work

Piedmont-Triad CRC

Project Overview

July 2011

The Piedmont-Triad Community Resource Connections for Aging and Disabilities is a network of community partners that provide information, assistance and referrals for all older adults, people with disabilities and their formal and information caregivers. The Piedmont-Triad CRC needed a website to provide information about their services and partners.

What We Did

Information, Inc. developed a website that provides a custom listing of all Piedmont-Triad CRC partners and the services that they provide. Additionally the website contains an event calendar and a knowledge base.

How We Did It

Using Drupal 6, Information, Inc. developed a fully featured website that is easy to maintain. Administrators have the ability to easily edit content, calendars and partner information via several custom content types. In addition, administrators are customize service keywords for lists and faceted searches using taxonomy. The website uses a custom-designed Zen theme.